Arnold Friberg open and limited-edition Biblical and patriotic art prints at amazingly low prices!
Legendary Christian artist Arnold Friberg graduated from the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts in 1935.
In 1953, Cecil B. DeMille, after searching worldwide for a powerful Biblical artist,
was shown Friberg's religious series then in progress. In 1957-58, Friberg's monumental
15 paintings series for "The Ten Commandments" toured the world, and in 197 was part
of DeMille's exhibit honoring the 100th year of Hollywood, an exhibit seen by more
than one million viewers.
Arnold Friberg has been honored by his fellow artists and has been given tribute in western
heritage art shows, most recently in 1991. Arnold Friberg has rightly earned his place
as one of the enduring masters of our time.
For more information about Arnold Friberg, please visit his biography page.
Art Prints:
You can view a complete listing of Arnold Friberg's Biblical and patriotic art prints for sale along with images, dimension sizes,
edition sizes, print descriptions, framing options, and much more by visiting his personal art page
at Christ-Centered Art Gallery.
A few of Arnold Friberg's most popular print titles are listed below:
ARNOLD FRIBERG is one of over 150 artists listed in our
prestigious Artist Index.
You can view artwork by Mr. Friberg and other Christian artists by
visiting our online Christian art gallery.